Retro Barbecue
Tasty Recipes for the Grillin' Guy

Linda Everett

128 pages
Language: English
Origina Price $ 16,95
Editore: Collectors Press, Inc

Argomento: Cooking, Eat & Drink Retro Series

ISBN / Barcode: 9781888054637

Euro € 10.50

Featuring a colourful collection of nostalgic advertising, collectibles and graphics, The Retro Barbecue represents America in the golden age of the post war party. The grilled meats, casserole cooking and molded gelatin salads of the 1950's defined comfort foods Americans love. Returning Gl's wanted the picket-fenced home, a new car in the garage, and a patio and barbecue. Packed with recipes for that perfect retro barbecue - Bart's backyard ribs, Pink Slipper Pickled peaches, chili, salsa and desserts - its Retro barbecue time!!