Very Breast of Dolly

Blas Gallego

Paperback: 48 pages
(1 Sep 2005)
Language English
Editore: SQP inc.

Argomento: Graphics Erotic

ISBN / Barcode: 9780865621251

Euro € 14.95

Dolly's a very good girl - she's just drawn to be bad! With a body that defies both logic and gravity, our girl's curves have caused men to drive up onto sidewalks just to get a better look! Dolly's "daddy", Blas Gallego created his little darling in a series of full page comic strips that details the daily bump and grind of life as a sex magnet! Much beloved throughout Europe, our little darling is making a trip across the seas to an all-new collection of her misadventures. "The Very Breast of Dolly" contains the entire run of Dolly, and as an added bonus, an "orgy of orgies" - Gallego's amazing series of full color paintings chronicling the history of excessive sex!