Seeing Butterflies

Philip Howse

176 pages
Language: English
Editore: Papadakis (GMC)

Argomento: Nature Insects

ISBN / Barcode: 9781906506469

Euro € 30.00

Insect predators such as birds see a greater range of colors than we do and focus on details rather than whole objects. Engraved on the wings of many butterflies and moths, among the rainbow colors and the opalescence, are images that closely resemble millipedes, salamanders, frogs, snakes, falcons, spiders, hornets, bats, large canine teeth, claws, caterpillars, wolves, and owls.
Philip Howse explains how these colors and designs have evolved and how the insects are protected by such camouflage, mimicry and deception. Separate chapters are devoted to commonly seen groups of butterflies, such as whites, admirals, emperors, monarchs, swallowtails, blues and morphos, peacocks and passion vine butterflies as well as hawkmoths and giant silkmoths. An appendix provides a simple identification guide to British and European butterflies and to familiar tropical species.

This new way of looking at these beautiful and iconic insects and the superb images will inform and inspire nature-lovers, photographers, artists and scientists.