The British Oak

Miles Archie

Hardcover: 304 pages
Language: English
Editore: Constable & Robinson

Argomento: Nature Flowers & Plants

ISBN / Barcode: 9781472123756

Euro € 22.50

The British Oak is a comprehensive overview of everything that the iconic oak tree signifies to Britain and its people.

Archie Miles explores the rise of oak woods since the last Ice Age, placing the tree in its biological, cultural and economic context. We still speak of the 'heart of oak' that built the British Empire, such is its importance in industry, architecture and shipbuilding, while the oak's role in myth, art and literature took root in early civilisation and remains a rich imaginative resource.
Included are:
-Profiles of fifty of the most famous oaks in Britain with remarkable facts, stories and historic associations.
-An examination of the disease, management and conservation issues facing oaks now and in the future.
-Stunning photography complemented by a rich vein of archive material, much of which is published for the first time since the nineteenth century.